Multi-tasking Moms Find Multiple Uses For Cool Stuff

by Summer Menkee, CEIM


When I created the summer & sage Sacred Baby Massage Kit for Infant Massage, I had no idea it would also make a great potty training blanket.  Elimination communication (EC) is another ancient practice, that originated in Asian and Southeast Asian cultures, currently being practiced by natural-minded American moms and dads.  One of my clients uses her waterproof massage blanket to EC train her three month old (see above photo).  She got the large option that can be cut into two blankets, and how brilliant is she to use one half for massage and the other for potty training!  Not far off from their original utility in India, as newborn bed-sheets, to avoid wee hour diaper changes.  Another client uses her massage blanket for “diaper free” time each day.  Their cushy fleece-lined surface has an under layer of Silver Nano (anti-bacterial, anti-odor, waterproof technology) that absorbs flying pee-pees and oil drips during massage play.  Yes, our massage babies like to party naked!  It feels so free… 

After so much time spent strapped in buckets- car seats, strollers, bouncers, high chairs, you name it – the bonding ritual of Infant Massage helps stretch out our babies and release their pent-up tension.  Oxytocin is released through skin to skin contact, and therefore relaxing and fun for mom, or dad, as well.

Our family Homeopath, Tania Jedian, gave me some other cool tips about summer & sage massage oils.  Tania cuts her Doterra Oils with our organic Mustard Seed Oil, and prefers it to coconut oil.  Mustard oil has a thicker, richer consistency and a subtle, earthy aroma, without the smell of suntan lotion (i.e coconut oil).  When my one year old son, Sage, caught the hand, foot and mouth virus this summer, I asked her what natural remedies she recommended to soothe his rash.  She said the Mustard Seed Oil was the best relief for her daughter’s HFM.  Sure enough, when I massaged Sage’s legs with the mustard oil, his red bumps cleared up in a day thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  This week, Sage got hit with a high fever, and I tried our organic Sweet Almond Oil to reduce it, one of almond oil’s properties.  His fever fell two degrees after applying the Sweet Almond Oil to his chest and back.  I am believer in natural household remedies, and homeopathy, versus drug-store medicines.  I am ecstatic to share our certified organic oils to soothe and bond with your newborns, which also provide natural remedies for common viruses and skin irritations as they get older!  

Exciting News: summer & sage Sacred Baby Massage Kit is an Editor’s Pick in the 2014 September/October Natural Mother Magazine!  “A gift that keeps giving…

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Find out more about the multiple uses of our Sacred Baby Massage Kits for multi-tasking moms at our website!